Congregatio de Institione
Catholica Vitae
An Appeal to our brother priests: do not lose heart
As the crisis in the priesthood continues to increase, we write to you in the spirit of fraternal unity, uniquely founded upon the priesthood of Jesus Christ. If you have been praying to fully realize the calling God has laid upon your heart from the beginning of your life, I believe that we can provide you with a mandate, under the protection of Apostolic bishops to live the life you were created to live.
Whatever has been damaged by heresy, immorality, sensuality, etc. can be repaired. The eternal Grace of Redemption wrought by Christ on the Cross and continued by the perpetual Sacrifice of the Mass has the power transform us anew.
Our Lord warns us not to build our life of Faith on the ever-changing opinions of man, but Rather upon the solid rock of Doctrine and Dogma.
“Therefore, whosoever hears these words of mine, and dust them shall be likened to a wise man who built his house upon rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat up on the house, and it fell not, For it was founded upon rock. And everyone that hears these my words, and does them not, shall be like a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat up on that house, and it fell, and great was the fall thereof.” Mt.7:24-27.
The first movement toward the full acceptance of redemption is to abandon the teachings of the Modernist era. We can help you to do this, and then to build, according to the blueprint of the Gospel, a life of faith built upon Christ and His Church.
To foster the stability necessary for growth in the spiritual life we have put together a program of formation and continued study directed to the pastoral care of souls. But before you can care for the souls entrusted to you must be made true instruments of Grace.
If you are tired of playing “The Game” and have found yourself sanctioned because you refused to place the interests of the institution over that of your priesthood, then remember the reason you became a priest. It was not a one-time decision, but a decision made many times over and a decision that you can renew now.
Throughout your formation, you said yes in good times, and in bad. You persevered. You believed that you were being ordained to serve the Church, whose stated end is the glory of God and the salvation of souls. Instead, you found yourself placed under “obedience” to fulfill the personal agenda of a corporation with the bishop as its figure head.
You are probably thinking,” Oh no, not another Priestley society, fraternity or institution. No, what we proposed is something different. An association of priests working together to restore the Catholic Faith, whole and entire to the Faithful. We do not need to create something new; God forbid, but to restore…to strip away all the complexities of error that have buried the beauty of the True Catholic Faith. In a word, we simple desire to live as Catholic priests, Period.
Strip away what is not original to the Faith, and there you will find what all men of good will are seeking, Jesus Christ; The Divine Son of God, Who is Truth itself. If your allegiance is to any ONE other than Jesus Christ, and to those who faithfully teach what He taught, then read no further for it will be a waste of your time.
The perpetrator of destruction is a schismatic, heretical cult and its hierarchy which needs to be exposed as the fraud it is. Although the Modernist Church has a priesthood, a hierarchy, a liturgical expression, and a defined doctrine, these are not the same as the Catholic Church. The essence and the end of each is different. Henry VIII had one legitimate wife and five mistresses. His legitimate wife was locked in the tower, while his mistresses set next to him in court. Anyone who refused to acknowledge their legitimacy, or that of their offspring, where labeled as traitors. Today, the legitimate Church is outlawed, and the mistresses (the ecumenical churches) of the Modernist hierarchy are living in Rome. Our loyalty has to be to our true Mother!
If you build it, they will come.
We are all familiar with this line from the movie, Field of Dreams. But are we familiar with the vision, desire and hard work that is required to make this conversant saying a reality?
The proposed association of Catholic priests, organized under the epitaph: Priests for the Restoration of Catholic Life, envisions a unified Catholic clergy with a singular desire to lead the faithful toward a True Catholic Life. Staying focused on this end, we propose to establish an association of priests trained to teach, practice (liturgical) and live an authentic Catholic Life. We rely on the spiritual maturity of each priest to conduct the affairs of the parish with humility and uprightness. This may seem like a tall order, considering the depths to which the Modernist have sunk the priesthood, but it is possible for men of good will. This will eliminate the need for extensive fundraising campaigns and corporate share-pooling.
Legitimately Consecrated Bishops function as the spiritual head of the priests, serving them as spiritual fathers rather than as corporate bosses. With authority based on spiritual jurisdiction, rather than physical jurisdiction, the bishops council and guide the continued education and formation of the priests under their charge. After all, he is a shepherd of GOD’S flock, not his own.
Apostolic Succession
The purpose of this section is to prove without a doubt the continence of the Apostolic Succession of the Priesthood of Jesus Christ, and therefore the continence of the Catholic Church here on Earth. Our concern is not to prove who does not possess Apostolic Authority, not to prove who does.
Apostolic Succession is the act of transferring the Sacred Power of the Priesthood of Christ, received by the Apostles to other men This power is namely the Consecration of the Body of Christ and the absolution of sin. Built into this power is the faculty of regeneration. Just in the natural order there are laws governing the valid and legal transfer of authority, so too in the Spiritual order. This power is properly called jurisdiction, or the authority to speak for (by) the law. Law establishes order, and all things in the Church are order toward the Glory of God and the salvation of souls.
Jurisdiction properly understood
The Bishop is the channel by which Apostolic Succession is transmitted. The external sign of the laying on of hands, from the one endowed with the power to the one who receives it, constitutes the matter. This necessary act provides an external sign of the internal act of the Holy Ghost. The Grace by this action constitutes a real and ontological change within the man, empowering him to act in the place of Christ (visible) when he acts as Christ acted. And to testify to the Truth when he teaches what Jesus Christ taught, provided he maintain the integrity (wholeness) of the words and the spirit (meaning) that vivifies them. By receiving the sacred power of the Priesthood, a man enters a covenant (exchange of persons, i.e., Christ for the individual) not a contract (the exchange of goods) as in the Modernist sect.
Necessity of the True Faith
The Holy Catholic Faith is the context in which Apostolic Authority and its succeeding power is understood. Faith is defined as the belief that God, by His own Authority has revealed Truth. This Faith, by divine Command is to be protected and transmitted via the Priesthood. What Christ possesses by Nature He gives to man by Grace. To achieve this end, The Supreme Pontiff, as the head of the Mystical Body of Christ is given the power of the Keys of St Peter which he alone possesses. Contained within this power is the faculty to loose by indulgence and to bind by Dogma. Dogma is defined as the authoritative protection of the Teaching of Jesus Christ. The Supreme Pontiff has the authority to gather a council of learned priests, all working together to ensure that the Faith is delivered whole and intact, at all times and in every place until Christ comes again. A multitude of men endowed with this office of grace possess the One Priesthood of Christ.
The Church is not composed of the hierarchy of priestly authority alone, but of all those baptized into the Mystical Body of Christ. The Hierarchy is commissioned to protect, to defend and to make the life-giving actions of Divine Providence visible. The Liturgical rites are the secondary means of grace, providing the visible witness of the Sacramental grace of salvation.
The Succession of the Rites
To protect the line of Apostolic Succession must be the first priority of the those who possess the power of regeneration. Without this principal effect, namely, the valid transfer of the priesthood of Christ, the Sacramental grace contained within the Sacramental action of Consecrating the Sacred Host, of absolving from sins, both in the Sacrament of penance and Extreme Unction, and the strengthening effect of the Sacrament of Confirmation would be rendered ineffective. The Sacraments of Baptism and Matrimony can be received validly but not sacramentaly without the direct instrumentality of the Priesthood, However, their saving effect cannot be maintained without it.
Because the Church is in Heaven as well as on Earth it could never cease to exist, but it could cease to be visible to men who need Her Saving Grace. St Robert Bellarmine, in his work on the Church Militant entitled, De Controversiis Christianae Fidei Adversus Huius Temporis Haereticos confirms that it is the faithful receiving the Sacraments of the Church that makes the Church visible here on earth,
“The Church is a gathering of men using the same Sacraments, within the same Faith handed to the Apostles by Jesus Christ.”
Modernist Priest Vs. Catholic Priest
Simply defined, Modernism is, “The replacing of God with man”. In philosophical terms, we can say the context has changed rather than the language. The context defines the text; gives it meaning. Change the context and you change the meaning of the text. What a masterful move on the part of the Modernist deceivers! How much confusion it has caused the simple believer? The change in context has affected every aspect of Catholic Life and belief, chief among it is the Mass and Sacraments, including the priesthood which is the instrumental cause of all Grace.
The priest of the Modernist church represents the hierarchy as the president of the chair (their words, not mine). He (for the time being) is touted as serving” the people of God” but, he is nothing more than the financial manager of a satellite office in a cooperate enterprise. He is bound under obedience to implement the personal beliefs, desires, and ambitions of the diocesan conglomeration, of which the Bishop is only the figure head. No thank you!
In stark contrast, the Catholic Priest represents the Teachings, Will and Law of God to the people, not that of the people to God. The Catholic priest is obedient to His Bishop, as a son to a father because the bishop has generated the Priesthood of Christ in him and continues to provide for and protect the sacerdotal life received. When we became priests, we ceased to represent our family, country, ideas, interests, opinions, etc. We gave our lives, including our physical persona into the hands of our bishop that we would hence forward become visible witnesses to Christ and His Church.
The Pioneer Priest
Every true priest today needs a pioneering spirit. The pioneers left the comforts and security of their homeland with the hope of finding a better way of living. We must be willing to do the same. An authentic Apostolic mandate (Holy Orders), the instruments to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, a breviary, food, shelter, and a desire to know the Truth is all we need.
Because The priests for the Restoration of Catholic Life is not an institutional organization but a group of priests who have the same goal, we freely support one another with our studies, always submitting ourselves to the One Absolute Truth. We may live together or alone. We are not primarily looking for brotherhood or to be part of a family, and yet both are a natural consequence of a life lived in Unity with God and His Church.
We have identified the following characteristic need in a Pioneer Priest:
1. You must be a man (no really… a man). You must think like a man, reason like a man, act like a man, and protect and defend what you love like a man.
2. You must be willing to live for the mission of the Church alone. Priests are not guaranteed health insurance, personal cell phone or access to the internet.
3. You must have good mental health.
4. Your physical health, weight and over-all stamina must be able to support the demands of your work.
If this letter has struck a cord with you and you want to know more please contact us at: or phone: 717.758.3947 EST.
God bless and keep the Faith!
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