Congregatio de Institione

Catholica Vitae

Congregatio de Institione
Catholica Vitae

An Open Letter to Men of Good Will

Introductory comments:

Jesus Christ proclaimed with absolute Truth that, “A good tree cannot bear evil fruit and an evil tree cannot bear good fruit; you will know them by their fruits.” There is much talk about the evil actions of Bishops and their corruption, but little talk about the source of that corruption; an evil tree from which they were produced. How is it that so many intelligent and accomplished men have proposed that we fertilize and prune this tree thus restoring it back to health. What? So, it can produce more corrupt fruit? God forbid! Why not instead, cut this tree down and focus together on strengthening the good tree so that it will bear more and more good fruit?

By this letter we intend to show the absolute beauty of the Catholic Church in contrast to the vile ugliness of the Modernist Socialist church. If it sounds to the modern ear that we are at times too antagonistic, it is only because so many churchmen have downplayed the grave destruction that has been wrought upon souls by this evil. 

As you read this letter, we challenge you to stop after each point and ask yourselves, “is this statement true”? Then go to the next statement and ask the same question and so forth. When you come to the conclusion of the letter (which is harsh) remember your answers. For a conclusion to be true ALL of the premises must be true. Please do not run away from the truth, it will set you free.

An Open Letter to Men of Good Will

We have been over-joyed recently to hear many prominent Church leaders voice clear and precise statements of Orthodox Catholic teaching and, confused at the same time by the conclusions that have been drawn. This seems to be a pattern in Church and secular politics, perhaps because the narrative is controlled by the same Socialist agents. As Catholic Bishops and Superiors of Secular Congregations it is not only our moral obligation to simply identify the corruption within the corporate body of the Baptized, but it is our sacred duty to articulate a reasonable line of action to restore, not reform it. The Holy Catholic Church is not in need of reform; it is a perfect society. What is needed is good and faithful shepherds who will lead the sheep back to the Church and restore their Faith, Hope and Charity in God alone. May we remind you that it takes only one false premise to lead to many wrong conclusions. Let us make sure that we lead all men of good will to their eternal salvation by guaranteeing sound conclusions based upon true moral premises.

To this end, we propose the following line of action:

The First Line of Action is to restore the Trinitarian context. 

         The context gives meaning to the text, Change the context and you will change the meaning of the text. The architects of the Second Vatican Council did not reject any of the Sacred Texts that comprise the Catholic Faith, they were too smart to do that, they simply shifted the context. A brilliant move on their part. While men faithful to the Immutability of Divine Law, the Ancient Liturgy, the correct interpretation of ecclesiastical law and the Dogmatic Authority of the Supreme Pontiff were arguing in favor of Tradition, the Modernist were granting the legitimacy of the text while insisting on obedience to their interpretations arising from a new but concealed context.

         Faith is the belief that God, by His own Authority has revealed a thing to be true. By His Creative act, God brought all things visible and invisible into being.   He breathed forth the Divine Word and created all things in Absolute Truth, nothing is lacking, nor in need of change. This is the Trinitarian Context in which all things are defined: God the Creator, The Divine Logos made Flesh, The Spirit of Truth, and Immutability. The first three are Divine Persons in One God, the fourth is the vehicle by which we are to understand the Divine disclosure revealed by God in Creation, Incarnation, and Inspiration, that is, God does not change (evolve). 

         When the Divine Word became flesh He united our nature, which was created through Him, with Him and in Him to The Holy Trinity. All that relates to and is related to human nature is defined as true within this context. To define anything outside of this context is to corrupt its meaning.

         The Trinitarian context has been replaced with the French Revolutionary Masonic principles of liberty, fraternity, equality, and evolution, thus giving a nod to the Sacred Texts of Holy Scripture, the Church councils, the writings of the saints, etc. but assigning to them a different meaning. By shifting the context, the deceivers have changed the order of the narrative. The unchanging God is no longer the source of all Authority, but transient man is. And the highest representative of man, the Bishop of Rome, the Pope has been made to be the “divine” source from which the ever-evolving truth is known. Yet we know by Divine Faith that we are to worship no one save God alone. 

The Second Line of Action is to Restore Obedience to the Church. 

          God created the Church as the singular channel of grace by which fallen man is restored to a loving relationship with God. This is the essence of the Church. St Robert Bellarmine, a Father of the Sacred Council of Trent and Church Doctor teaches, “The Church is defined as those who have been called out of sin and death into eternal life.” To this we can add that the Church exist in Heaven as well as on earth. Many heretical teachings have come forth concerning the Church because this fact has been left out of the equation. St Bernard of Clairvaux defended the dignity of the Church and of Our Blessed Mother by comparing the two, “What is said of the Church is said of Our Lady, and what is said of Our Lady is said of the Church;” and again, “the Church was made in the image and likeness of Our Lady.” Therefore, the Church is Immaculate, pure, virginal; it is the Mystical Body of Christ, and as such it is not possible for the Church to be corrupt. Maybe we all need to be reminded that Truth is found in the essence, not in the accidents. 

         By shifting the context, and focusing on the accidents, the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council showed themselves to be the deceptive bastards that they are, albeit, brilliant. They have renounced their heritage and have declared their allegiance to the proverbial Synagogue of Satan. Having once been born of Holy Mother Church by means of the waters of baptism and thus becoming adoptive sons of God, they have returned to their state as bastardous sons of Satan.   The Synagogue, (congregation) is comprised of all those who reject Jesus Christ and the immutable Doctrine He “handed down” to His Apostles. It creates an “army of men gathered to fight God.” All those who do not gather with Christ, including the Modernist, Socialist church belong to the Synagogue of Satan (Apoc. 2-9,3-9).

         Henry VIII had one legitimate wife and five mistresses. His legitimate wife was locked in the tower, while his mistresses sat next to him in court. Anyone who refused to acknowledge their legitimacy, or that of their offspring, were labeled as traitors. Many prominent Churchmen chose to sit in court with Henry rather than to keep court with the Church and her faithful sons, Saints Thomas More and John Fisher who were locked away as criminals. Today, the legitimate Church is cast out, while the mistresses of the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council (the ecumenical churches) are living in Rome. 

         It is without doubt that Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, Who cannot deceive nor be deceived, and the Holy Ghost, the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, Who bears witness to the Truth have testified that Jesus is the Bridegroom, and the Church is His Bride. By this analogy, we are taught  that Sacramental marriage makes visible the invisible reality of God’s Faithfulness and Fruitfulness (Ephesians 5). The moral doctrine declaring marriage as a permanent state until death has been rejected by the Modernist Socialist church because the fundamental doctrine of their church is ecumenism. In essence and in practice they teach that God has divorced, or at least put away the Catholic Church, and has taken to Himself concubines, not unlike the precedent established by Henry the VIII!  If we are to return to our true Mother and Heiress of the Kingdom of God, we must go to the catacombs and listen to Her voice of freedom calling us back to God.       

The Third Line of Action is to Restore the Episcopacy. 

         In the order of revealed Hierarchy, the first is the Throne of Grace (Divine Life) upon which Christ the King sits. All authority (throne) in heaven and on earth flows from His Absolute Dominion. The Patristic fathers give to Him the title, “Supreme Pontiff” because “no one comes to The Father except through Me [Him].” The authority of Christ the King is greater than that of the Church, for the Church was made by Him. She and she alone is His Chosen Bride, and He has given to Her and Her alone a share of His inheritance to be passed on those who are born from Her. In this way the Church (the throne[authority] of Wisdom) is greater than all those born out of Her, including the man who will be seated upon the Chair of Saint Peter, for outside of Her Grace no man may lay a just claim to this inheritance.

         This begs the question, “Is the Chair of Saint Peter vacant?”  The answer is “No, Saint Peter occupies it.” Remember the claim that we made earlier, many heresies arise when the truth, “The Church is in heaven as well as on earth,” is left out of the equation? Here is a perfect example. The Doctrine of the Communion of Saints holds us to believe that Saint Peter, as well as the other Apostles, are living members of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, and as such are not replaced by the generation of their office, but their particular office is represented (made visible) here on earth. Thus, the hierarchy in heaven is made visible on earth when that which is particular to each throne is universalized. In the same way, the Priesthood particular to Jesus Christ is universalized (catholicae) in those who receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders. The same is said of the Office of the Supreme Pontiff.     


         Henry Cardinal Manning, in his work, The Internal Mission of The Holy Ghost, cites The Sacred Council of Trent, Session VI, Cap VIII, that Faith is the “Radix et fundamentum omnis justificationis”. He then explains, “the root and foundation of the whole of our justification; that is, of our union with God of our sanctification in this world, and of our salvation in the next. The Council of Trent, in these words, distinguishes the root from the foundation, because the foundation contributes only support: it contributes no life to what rests on it; But a root is not only the foundation of the tree, but it is also the productive principle from which it springs.” All that we know to be true coming from Divine Revelation is founded upon, supported, and given life by faith. Corrupt the faith and you will corrupt everything that is supported by it. This includes the Mass, the Priesthood, the Office of the Supreme Pontiff…all of it. Chief among this corruption is the Rite of Consecration of a Bishop, for the life of the Church on earth is dependent upon it. 

         The essence of the Office of the Episcopacy is to re-generate the Priesthood of Jesus Christ. The Rite of Consecration and the Office (authority to act) are essential elements and do not change. What is accidental to the Office and therefore can change is the particular man, who holds the office by election, and loses it either by spiritual death (Formal heresy) or physical death. He does not, nor can he, add anything nor take anything away from the essence of the Office he holds. This applies to the Office of the Supreme Pontiff as well, for sacramentally he is a priest. 

         The essence of the Office of Supreme Pontiff and by extension, that of all bishops is to protect and defend what has been passed on from Jesus to His Apostles. The end of this action is to bring the self-same Gospel to every man, of every time and of every place, until Christ comes again. To accomplish this Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Ghost, universalizes His Priesthood and sends men of a particular time and of a particular place to protect and defend the truth.

         To ensure the success of such a mission God has provided a threefold protection in the guise of the Chair (the Doctrine of Jesus Christ and the pronounced Dogmas), the Office (held by a man), and the keys (authority to loose by indulgence and bind by Dogma). This guarantees that a rational soul can correctly judge what is of God and what is not. Freedom, informed by faith, has only one choice: to accept what is true and good and to reject that which is evil and in error.

         Without a properly consecrated bishop (correct Rite administered by a bishop consecrated under that Rite) there is not a true priest; without a true priest there is not a Mass; without Mass there is no grace; without grace there is no salvation. This is the most brilliant and sinister move on the part of the deceivers. It is a shell game performed with words, but instead of playing for money they are playing for souls. The only way to win is to not play at all.  The Modernist, Socialist agents changed the Rite of Episcopal consecration, rendering its procreative action sterile. Of course, they are powerless to change anything that God has created, except the minds and the hearts of fallen men.

         In the Rite of Episcopal consecration (verses, ordination of a bishop for the Modernist Socialist church) in use up until the changes introduced in 1968, the Form stated, “complete in thy priest the fullness of thy ministry, and adorned in the raiment of all glory, sanctify him with the dew of heavenly anointing.” After 1968, the Rite was changed and the following form was instituted in its place, “so now pour out upon this chosen one that power which is from you, the governing spirit whom you gave to your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the Spirit given by him to the holy apostles, who founded the church in every place to be your temple for the unceasing glory and praise of your name.” The Rite of consecration, where a priest receives the fullness of the priesthood has now become the ordination of a bishop as a governor of the people of God (a title used for the Jews). Our Lord promised to St. Peter and the other Apostles that they would sit upon twelve thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel, not govern them! Knowing this, is it any wonder that modern bishops have become CEOs of a corporation instead of the spiritual Fathers of the elect? 

         We believe we have developed three strong foundations for beginning a discussion on how to restore the faith of God and His Church to baptized souls. All three lead to one, equally strong conclusion: The perpetrator of this destruction of souls is a schismatic, heretical, One-World church and its hierarchy which needs to be exposed for the fraud that it is. Although the Modernist Church has a priesthood, a hierarchy, a liturgical expression, and a defined doctrine, these are not the same as the Catholic Church. The essence and the end of each is different. By shifting the context from the Holy Trinity to the Masonic principle of man, they have redefined the Church and the Priesthood, creating a new church and a new priesthood, neither one of which is One, Holy, Catholic, or Apostolic.

         We need to respond to our times with the same courage and insight of Archbishop Marcel LeFebvre and Archbishop Pierre-Martin Ngo-Dinh Thuc, who are together responsible for preserving the line of Apostolic Succession. We all have the moral obligation to make fruitful the grace we received in our Confirmation, namely, to defend our own soul and that of others by defending the True Catholic Faith. Good leadership can assemble an army of men “of good will” to fight the enemy. We need to stop fighting ourselves, for our fight is not against flesh and blood but against the powers of Darkness manifest in the Modernist, Socialist church and promoted by its agents. Men of good will take courage! 

Congregatio de Catholicae Vitae

We represent a newly formed association of bishops and priests under the title; Priests for the Restoration of Catholic Life ( founded in the spring of 2020 to rescue priests from the bonds of Modernist oppression and to restore them to the Freedom that belongs to these chosen Sons of God. In turn, they are delivering souls back into the Loving embrace of their Heavenly Father and His Spouse; The One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, outside of which there is no Salvation. 

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