Congregatio de Institione

Catholica Vitae


Fr. Etienne Videon • October 11, 2021

  The Dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of two bookends that supports the Gospel Narrative of the Incarnation of the Divine Word of God. Together, with the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a comprehensive understanding of our redemption is formed. 

 Nowhere in Divine Revelation will you find the words “Immaculate Conception”, nor will you find an account of the Assumption. Protestants use this argument to discredit Catholic Dogma. They will opine, “Show me where that is in the Bible “. I assure you It is there. It is not directly stated but is implied. How do we know that it’s implicit? Because, as St. Thomas Aquinas teaches, human reason informed by Faith digs deep into understanding. Human reason informed by Faith, i.e., the belief that God has revealed it, inspires man to submit his reason to the God who created all things.

The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is implied in Scripture by the fact that Christ was like us in all things but sin. When the Divine Word of God took flesh (the Incarnation), He took flesh from the Blessed Virgin alone as Scripture testifies. And what is more, it is the flesh which was created, “through, with and in Him”.  

  Truly, Our Lord can say of Our Lady, “This is flesh of my flesh” and Blood of my Blood. For there was no admixture of another human being involved in the Incarnation. When you and I receive Communion, we receive Communion within the Catholic Church, because “what is said of the Church is said of Our Lady, and what is said of Our Lady is said of the Church”. We share Communion with the Blessed Virgin Mary because of the flesh which She, and She alone gave to the Divine Word. In order for that flesh to be given to Jesus and not taint Him with sin, it is reasonable to conclude that it is Immaculate, that is to say, preserved from sin.

 So, deducing what has been revealed in Scripture, we can see that the Dogma of The Immaculate Conception finds communion with other revealed truths. All truth is based on the Truth that Jesus Christ is a Divine Person. He is not a concept, nor a philosopher…nor an idea. From the basic Truth that Jesus is the Christ, we can acertain the fulness of the teaching of Christ, which includes not only what is explicit but what is implicit as well. Our UNDERSTANDING of His teaching is meant to develop, not evolve. Evolution admits of a change from one substance (essence) into another. This is a heretical view, for God is the same yesterday, today and forever” and, “In God there is no alteration or shadow of change”. 

 As with the Dogma of The Immaculate Conception, the Dogma of the Assumptions of the Blessed Virgin Mary maintains the Unity of Divine Revelation. The Blessed Virgin Mary was assumed into Heaven body and soul. She did not participate in death. Scripture tells us that sin and death are a result of sin: therefore, if one is sinless, one does not enter pass into death. You May object, “Our Jesus Christ died, did He not”? Yes, but Saint Paul solves that for us. Divine Revelation reveals to us in truth that He Who knew no sin became sin. He became it by His own free will – He took to Himself every sin that you and I have committed, or will ever commit, and united it to Himself. When He died, He was condemned to Hell; He took our place there to fulfill Justice. Because He is God, sin and death had no power over Him. Because He is God, He rose, and rising, He was seen amongst us. when you and I receive Communion, we receive the resurrected Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

 These truths are known to be truths because they are in communion with one another. There is no error, there is no break in logic or reason. Built upon the firm foundation of Faith, man’s reason can comprehend the dogma of The Immaculate Conception and connect it logically to the dogma of The Assumption as one act of revelation, not two.

 The feast which we celebrate today highlights how the Keys of St Peter are used to protect the Doctrine which Christ taught. The essence of the office of the Supreme Pontiff is to protect, not create. There are those who will still argue, “you are stretching the bounds of Divine Revelation to justify your own belief”. To this I say, “Truth finds communion with truth”. 

 It is important to remember the idiom, “TEACH a man to think and he will solve his own problems, TELL him what to think and he will be your slave”. Your Mother, the Church, and Her true priests and bishops, understand that is their responsibility to teach you to think. The freedom, “by which Christ has made you free” empowers you to solve every problem the world presents to you regarding your Catholic Faith. And what is more, the problems you face in raising your children to remain Catholic in a godless culture.  

 if I simply told you what to think, what to do and what to believe instead of teaching you to think, I would fail in my duty as a true Catholic Priest. I would cease to be in communion with Truth. It is my responsibility to teach you how to use reason, informed by Faith to repair the problems your misinformed decisions have produced. If you need help along the way, I am here. In the same way, when your children reach a certain age, you can no longer tell them what to do and expect a good result. You too, must give them good counsel. This council does not issue from your own experience or from the wisdom of the world for both have produced bad effects. It comes from Divine Revelation and the teaching Authority of the Church. When this counsel is ignored it will be obvious by the result. Then your children must be corrected for their own good. This goes for the spiritual children of Holy Mother Church as well.  

 If in the process of correction, you find yourself confused, remember, “Truth finds communion with truth”. When you come to the altar rail, you come to be in communion with Truth Itself; the Divine Person, Christ. Being in communion with Him, you are in communion with everything that He has taught, and everything that His Church, defends and protects concerning what He has taught. You are in communion with the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church; you are in communion with every dogma and doctrine, and every religious practice. You are in communion with a culture that is not godless but God-centred.

 If you believe that you can hold even one error (heresy) in Communion with truth, and still have unity, then you are already a slave to ALL heresy and deception. One error is sufficient to separate you from truth and bring you into communion with error. When you no longer use reason and Faith to make decisions, but lazily allow yourself to be told what to think, you freely give up your right to redemption. When you fall for this age-old deception you come in communion with error and become enslaved to the powers of a godless culture. But Christ will set you free: “the Truth will set you free”!

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